Friday, April 18, 2014

How to dress up lazy weekends ?

A lesson well learnt : A day that starts lazy, ends lazy. If you are so damn tired today to even look in the mirror, dressing up is outta window. 

How can I dress lazy and still look a diva? What is my go to dress for a lazy day? A Maxiiiiiiii, my saving grace !!!!  A Maxi dress is fun, flirty, comfy and super-stylish all at once and thats why just apt for a day when you don't wanna do much but not ready to give up on style either.

Its not too late to pick up your bag, put on your heels , oh sorry.. its a lazy day so put on your flats and hit the nearest Shopping mall to buy yours right away if you haven't invested in one yet.Not saying that it'll turn you into Nicole Kidman, however it'll make you a star whenever and wherever you decide to wear it, take my word for it(cross my heart and  I hope to die).

 Stripes and I have an ultimate fling and from the looks of it, its not dying down any sooner,  so you better make peace with it. Lets not get carried away again and stay on the look. Horizontal stripes are not only eye catchy but they also add much needed width and weight to my almost invisible frame. I wont recommend horizontal stripes to everyone, especially wider ones like what am wearing in the pics, given it can go either way and it's unpredictability works against you most of the times. However, if you fancy horizontal stripes as much as I do, invest in thinner, narrower stripes in darker colors. I added a military green waist coat to cover up my bare shoulders from the scorching sun.

Its very important to strike a balance while accessorizing your Maxi dress and lets try not to go overboard with it. Good for me that I was lazy, so din't have any energy to dig any deeper in my closet. Just picked up whatever crawled out first and stopped the moment I saw Red. Rest of the accessories only played supporting cast( any other color could stand the competition) I wore pink and green wristbands, a silver finish watch and a big black chunky ring (Heavy lifting needed in that deptt, it keeps me grounded in case of emergencies like storms and windy days).
Need I say I wore flats? High heels need energy..tons of energy you blondie!!! I don't own many flats (ggrrrr...coz I always end up putting all my money in high heels) however, I have stocked enough of them in basic colors and they go well with almost everything. Am I the only one guilty of a step motherly attitude towards my flat shoes and an overtly tender heart for my high heels?
Couple of hours and thousands of hair styles later, I was still mirror arrested scratching my head in full disagreement with my hair(don't know who was more tired , mirror or me ?) Finally!!!! I gave up and let my hair hang loose on my shoulder like always (hair trials were only a waste of time), thickened the mascara,  put on a waist coat, displayed my white frame shades, checked time on my watch ,wore white bandage style flats and dragged my lazy ass out. Shopping being my only workout, I always make it a long one (though my husband would do anything to cut it short coz longer the walk, bigger the bill) 

If you still aren't warmed up enough to give Maxi a try, then don't. Just funk up whatever you feel comfortable in, be it a simple Denim-Tee look. Accessories always do the trick. A dab of a vibrant lipstick and few strokes of mascara woudn't hurt either. 

Muuahh muah..till I am declared the brand ambassador of stripes and get a big fat paycheck in return;) 

 My look :  
Maxi dress : Instinct
Military green waist coat : Ana
White bandage Flats : High street
Sling Red Flap bag : Zara
Watch : Breitling
White frame shades : Accessorize
Ring: Highstreet
Wristbands : my own creations


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