Well, if there is anything bearable about the summer, it's the freedom to leave half your clothes behind and head out like a beach is waiting for us right on the next block. But, one step in the sun and reality brings me back to the skin melting temperature(at a speed that can put any fast and furious car ride to shame).
After making peace with the fact that there's ain't no beach and I ain't no model, I switched to finding what fits the need of the humidiest hour(Yes! I don't think the word exists, but, you get the point). Georgette/chiffon outfits in pastel shades are the closest things to a breeze in Delhi. Super comfortable and light enough to wear throughout the day. I paired a printed blouse with a pleated knee length skirt. I can wear this combination all summer(*minus the shoe).
Shoes, yes!How love at first sight leaves you blushing for no reason, I blushed too. But, these super pretty pumps were full of revenge and gave a big ugly shoe bite. I haven't stopped wondering why do I always fall for the prettiest shoes even when they always hurt the most later(both, my pocket and my feet) Whatever, I'll tame them soon.
If you're still hating summer for being summer, you might wanna binge on some songs to put your perspective in line. I am listening to Bruce Springsteen's 'Girls in their summer clothes' on loop(how else do you binge?).
Blouse : NEU look | Shoes: ZARA | Bracelets & Glasses : Splash | Skirt : DIY | Clutch : Forever New| Lipgloss : Colorbar